So these are a few commands that are universal to the stream – no matter the game these commands are always on:
!lurk – Let everyone know you are AFK or away for a lurk. Follow this up with !back
!SmashNGrab – Go raid the local corner shop and get some points in the process. Or face Glasgow’s Finest – Times are hard.
!Square – !Square + <@Username> to challenge the wee gimp to a square go. 50 Smackeroonies to the winner
!Fleeto – Gather a fleet of troops to attack the neighbouring scheme (Minimum 2 Max 20)
!donose – Donate via Mobile using Streamlabs
!donosl – Donate via Mobile using StreamElements (there is no alert for this so it is anonymous)
!followage – Check how long you have been following for
!uptime – Check the streams uptime in realtime
!flashbang – Great for when a flashbang is thrown by or at me.
!lastone – If you wanna be a dick and hear “You’re the last one standing” – Just to make a clutch that much more stressful