Hey, Hi – I’m Matthew – ItsScottish to my friends. If you’re here then you’re a friend or soon to be one!
This page is where you can get my D&D DM Info. This is the campaigns I have run, how many times I have run them and if they are available. I have a hellish timetable for games but love playing – clearly I have neglected my PC gaming for D&D but I am OK with that.
D&D is a fun hobby and I enjoy getting to teach new players the ropes and listening to the cogs work as you figure things out.
Please note that all images will lead to a playlist of the games being played as a recording on YouTube.

DM Profile
This is my Startplaying.games profile. You can see the reviews of myself, not that I am big headed but if you want me as a D&D DM, you can see my rates and how people rate me (as a free DM).

My Tabletop of choice. I try to make things as easy as possible for you whilst making things as gamelike as possible. Was hard to get into though!
- Browser Based
- HTTPS Secure
- No need to make an account
- Self Hosted
- Immersive Experience
The work I put into all my campaigns with modules and music in Foundry is basically a part time job but it pays off in the end. I use to play on Roll20 but one campaign (DotMM) did not play well, so D&D on FoundryVTT it was.

Grim Hollow: FABLES, Citadel of the Unseen Sun.
I will not lie – this one is hard. Elden Ring meets D&D but worse.
- Run Once
- Not well written
- Not newbie friendly
- D&D with additional rules
- Would run again – but not soon.
Full disclosure – I backed this on BackerKit, the work put into this is nuts and I do not recommend this campaign for the faint of heart! It is brutal for both player & DM.

Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus
My first Campaign barring some horrible homebrew.
- Run twice
- Completed Once
- Deadly beginning that opens up
- Great character development
- Currently Running again
Easily my favourite campaign – I have fond memories of Baldur’s Gate on PS2 and I love Baldur’s Gate 3. Some of the best D&D experiences I have had as a DM.

Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen
This is a module I bought thinking it looked pretty cool. It is a fast module in a new world that has required more work from me than any other module. I have bought the AD&D Modules
- 1x Completion
- Very emotionally attached
- HIGHLY reccomend
- Will run again!
This world is amazing. The book has some major flaws (like taking place over 1 year and not telling you) but you can learn so much by reading the Dragonlance Books and old modules!

Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
I took over this group and had a few lost members but for those who stuck – they love the experience.
- Run Twice
- No completed runs yet
- Deadly from the start
- Excellent oppertunities for roleplay
- Will not run again just yet
For a D&D campaign, DotMM is large. It is not fast (by any means) but it has a charm to it that most campaigns don’t: It’s what the players make of it. I currently have a romance subplot and an internal conflict subplot, and we are on the 3rd level!

Grim Hollow: FABLES, Tavern of the Lost
I have run this like 20 times. Best One-Shot in D&D History.
- Level 5
- Less than 5 combat encounters
- Intrigue round every corner
- Rewards roleplay
- Will run at the drop of a hat
- Even remade the map! TWICE!

The Demon Queen Awakens
Very much an Egyptian themed adventure. I look forward to running it
- Level 9
- 4-6 Players

Tales from the Yawning Portal
A fun experience for the ones I have prepped
- Whiteplume Mountain – Great fun Crawl, run as part of Dragonlance Campaign as a dream sequence.
- The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan – Ran as both Stand Alone and also as part of Dragonlance. What Mad Mage could be doing with.
- The Sunless Citadel – Ran as part of Vecna: Eve of Ruin. Good fun, interesting dynamics.

The Lich Queens Beloved.
A great way to learn more about the Gith. Run as part of my Dungeon of the Mad Mage group.
- Homebrew – I never played D&D 3/3.5 so I had to homebrew all the creatures not in the books. This was difficult but an exercise in patience.
- Custom Map – I had to remake the map myself on Dungeon Alchemist. Back before circles and angles. A lot of manual messing about.
- Brutal – Its a slog that leaves you drained and pushing forth. But you are taking on a military force in their leaders palace.